Contact Us


(03) 6431 6511





Suite 7-8, Level 1, 10 Marine Tce


Tasmania 7320


Online Enquiry

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Welcome to

City Medical Practice & Skin Clinic

The City Medical Practice is located on the corner of Marine Terrace and Cattley Street in the heart of Burnie, on the sunny north-west coast of Tasmania.

The Practice is closed for  a Christmas/New Years break.

 Closing: Tuesday 24th December 2024 @ 1pm.

Re-opening: Monday 6th January 2025 @ 8am.

About Us

The City Medical Practice is located on the corner of Marine Terrace and Cattley Street in the heart of Burnie, on the sunny north-west coast of Tasmania.

The practice was formed in 1990. Over the years, City Medical Practice has become one of the largest and most respected practices in Tasmania.

We are committed to being on the forefront of medical technology while maintaining the caring aspect of medical practice.

The practice has 18 consulting rooms, one treatment room, two procedure room and one sterilising room.
 GPs currently work in the practice and they are assisted by 6 full-time equivalent nurses.
A number of allied health professionals provide a visiting service to the practice, including regular diabetic and care plan clinics.


Opening Hours

(By Appointment Only)

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: 8.00am - 6.00pm

Wednesday & Friday: 8.00am - 5.00pm

Saturday: 11.00am - 4.00pm 

Closed Sunday's & Public Holidays

(Emergency Availabilities)


After Hours

Health Direct: 1800 022 222

North West Regional Hospital: 03 6493 6000 - Located at 23 Brickport Road, Burnie, Tas, 7320



City Medical Practice is a mixed billing practice.

All consultations face-to-face and telephone incur an out of pocket fee unless you are on a concession card or under the age of 16.


New Patient Forms:

If you would like to download a new patient form for you first appointment, please click on the link below:

New Patient Health Information
New Patient Registration Form

And bring it with you to your appointment.


Management of Your Personal Health Information:

Your medical record is a confidential document.  It is the policy of the practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.

You are able to download a copy of our privacy pamphlet below:

Privacy Pamphlet

Privacy Procedure - Policy 10.2023


Communication With The Practice:


Doctors in this practice may be contacted by phone during surgery hours.  A message will be taken if the doctor is with another patient and your call will be returned when she/he is available.


Emails may be sent to, this inbox is monitored Monday - Friday during surgery hours by reception. General enquiries are preferred only. For more complex enquiries we suggest you contact the practice by phone: 03 6431 6511.

Emails are generally answered within a business day.


Complaints & Feedback:

All complaints will be treated seriously and prompt action taken to rectify any problems.  Please contact our staff, who will attempt to rectify the problem or pass the matter to the Practice Manager.  If it relates to a medical problem it will be referred to the doctor, Dr Olomola and the Practice Manager.

Phone: 03 6431 6511,

Complaints can also be referred to:

The Health Complaints Commissioner
GPO Box 960
Hobart  Tas  7111


Phone: 1800 001 170







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